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Event Rules and Regulations


  • All riders are required to read and sign the “Release of Liability” waiver on the date of event during morning registration. This waiver states that participation in this sport is dangerous and you will not hold Ignition Motorsports or Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit, their staff or other riders liable.
  • All riders must attend the mandatory morning riders meeting. Non-attendees will not be allowed on the track.
  • All riders are responsible for their own personal medical insurance coverage. Ignition Motorsports does not provide medical insurance.
  • Reckless riding (stunting,wheelies,unsafe passing) of any kind is subject to ejection from the event.
  • Crashing– DON’T. If you do crash, the accident will be evaluated and if it’s determined that it was caused by reckless or unsafe riding, it will result in ejection from the day’s event. If we feel it was just a simple incident and the medical staff clears you to continue, we will attempt to return your bike to a condition that is safe to ride and if desired, we will get you back on course.
  • All motorcycles and safety gear must be inspected by tech inspection prior to re-entry to the track.
  • Falsification or misuse of tech stickers (riding in multiple groups) will result in ejection from day’s event.
  • If an unregistered rider is found riding a registered rider’s bike, both the registered and unregistered riders will be ejected from the day’s event and asked not to return.
  • Alcohol/marijuana consumption and illegal substances are strictly prohibited at any Ignition Motorsports event. Having any medical issues that require one to use such substances does not give you permission to participate. This rule applies to riding participants as well as their crew, family and friends. Anyone found to be consuming alcohol will be asked to leave the grounds.
  • All riders must act in a responsible manner. Those engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior, including being physically or verbally abusive, will be asked to leave the grounds.
  • Ignition Motorsports reserves the right to refuse admission to any individual.
  • Riders ejected from any Ignition Motorsports event forfeit all payments/credits for that day.

Safety is the biggest priority for Ignition Motorsports. Built in 2016, VIMC has been designed and built to the highest safety standards. During the event, a team of professional marshals and experienced control riders will ensure your safety at all times. Our on track team is supported by a state of the art control room where marshals will monitor every inch of the track and control a digital safety flagging system. During the event, there will be a professional medical team on site. VIMC is located 5 km from the Cowichan District Hospital.
If you have any questions or concerns about safety, please do not hesitate to contact us at Ignition Motorsports.

We ride rain or shine. Actually, we really enjoy track riding in the rain, it is an excellent way to improve your technique and become a better rider!  We can’t control the rain gods, but we do purchase only premium dates to help mitigate the precipitation! We do not offer refunds or exchanges due to weather.

No machine at a VIMC event may exceed 95 dB.
Many race tracks have a decibel level requirement that you must abide by and VIMC is no exception. We want to be good neighbors! Ignition Motorsports cannot check noise levels during technical inspection. If track officials flag you for excessive noise and you are unable to bring your machine into compliance, your day will be forfeited.

Ignition Motorsports has a 14-day cancellation policy. We do not offer refunds. If you cancel 14 days before your track day, you will receive full credit toward another Ignition Motorsports event. Credits for cancellations will not be given with less than 14 days notice. 
Cancellations occurring after the 14 day cutoff will result in forfeiture of payment.

In the event you are unable to attend a track day, you are welcome to transfer your purchased date to an alternative rider. This must be completed 14 days before the event (For single event pass's only).To ensure registration of your alternate attendee, please contact Ignition Motorsports. 

Flex Passes:

Flex pass dates are reserved by email. You are welcome to change your dates until 14 days prior to the event. There are no cancellations within 14 days of your reserved date. Passes are non transferable to other riders. Passes are only for the current year they are purchased and expire at the end of the season.


We offer a FREE bike inspection to everyone coming to our events, take advantage of this, and let our Red Seal Certified techs inspect your bike and gear to make sure you will have a safe enjoyable day!


Please do not show up with a dirty bike!
Oil – Must be free of leaks – check drain plug, fillers and filter
Chain – The chain and sprockets must be in good condition, lubricated, and properly adjusted
Steering - Must not interfere with cables or fairing - Proper range of motion
Brakes – Firm brake lever and pedal. Front and rear brakes must be in good working condition.
Pads must have at least 50% life.
Forks/Shock - Forks must have smooth travel and seals without leaks.
Throttle - Properly adjusted free play and must 'snap' back to the closed position at all bar positions.
Tires – Must be in excellent condition and suitable for track riding.
Lights & Signals – All lenses need to be taped or removed. (turn signals, headlight, taillight)
Mirrors – Must be removed or completely taped over
License Plate – These can be sharp, Must be removed
Sliders – Not required but highly recommended
Noise – Must not exceed 95 DB (tested on track)

You can certainly ride your street bike to the track and with few tools and tape be ready for your track day in a few minutes. We will always do our best to answer any questions and do everything we can to make sure you get on track. 


Helmet - Manufactured within the last Five (5) years (as per stamp inside) Helmet - Must meet SNELL or ECE or FIA safety rating
One Piece Leathers ok
Two Piece Leathers ok
Textiles that zip together are ok
Back Protector - Required
Motorcycle Gloves - Gauntlet Style (no gap between suit and glove)
Motorcycle Specific Boots (they cover your ankle)
Chest Protector – Advised
Neck brace - Advised
Airbag systems - These are amazing! - Advised

If you have any questions regarding your motorcycle tech or riding gear please don’t hesitate to call us or stop in to Ignition Motorsports to have us check out your gear a bike before an event.